Friday, September 28, 2007

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Weekly Release, 1.6, Delayed!

Hey guys, I felt like I didn't do enough to the mod to make it worthy of a release this week. This is what I've done so far. Please comment on my ideas and feel free to add your own.

Changes/Features 1.6:

You can now create more than one GDI commando.

Mammoth is now harder to kill.

GDI Barracks comes with Two Anti Infantry defences.

Ion Cannon's Reload time has been set to 2.5 minutes.

Growth Accelerators now only take 5 seconds to construct and does much more acceleration.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

New Poll: What do you think of the music?

"What do you think of the music?"

I hope you enjoy the Beavis and Butt-head style answer choices.

Post your opinions here!

Monday, September 17, 2007

I take donations!

I just added a donation button to the site!

Also, expect the next version of Retarded to include some GDI buffs.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Version 1.5 is out!

Yep, releases are now going weekly. Enjoy the additions!

CNC-Files Download Mirror

The crater left by the Nuke and Liquid Tiberium bomb has been enlarged.

New Music has been added.

Tiberium Spikes now give $69 a second.

Nod Militia has been replaced with Nod Soldiers.

GDI Rigs have been made faster.

Juggernaught now builds as fast as mammoth tanks.

MCVs when undeployed now have some build radius around it.

GDI MCV now has 1.5 times as much health.

To deal with early mcv rushing I've changed all the starting units to now include one final tier vehicle.

GDI - Mammoth
Nod - Avatar
Scrin - Tripod

Mutant Squads now are beastly.

Nod Shadow team's explosives now cause twice as much damage.

Scrin Signal Transmitter now takes away all fog of war to the player that has it.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Balance Issue

When I talk about balance in the game I'm talking about human vs human. The way I see it the game is balanced. Each faction has there own specific way of owning the battlefield.

GDI isn't over powering with their liquid tiberium bomb. Think of a 1v1, if you were to use this weapon you would have to sacrifice a lot of your defense and speed, by constructing the amount of refineries needed to have the amount of money to fire it. Also once your opponent finds out that you have the space uplink building constructed I'm sure that person will try his damnedest to make sure it is destroyed, which means not only do you have to balance your refinery spam and overall tech-ing, but also your defenses spam. This is another reason why I left the health of the space uplink as low as it is and never gave it any complimentary defensive structures like the temple of Nod. Think how easy it would be to send over a Viper/Orca/Scrin-Air Unit spam to destroy it.

This is mostly why superweapons are end all type weapons, if you let it happen you deserve to be PWNT into the ground, HARD. Remember kids, no one makes you use superweapons.

Scrin isn't crapped on in this mod. The Scrin's ability to have a vastly superior economy in this mod is what mostly keeps it going. Scrin's tiberium accelerator (accelerating tib by 2.5x), the harvesters being 2 times as fast as before, and their ability to never need silos really makes them the spam faction. Also, don't forget about how most of their units now can climb over all kinds of terrain(and move over water).

The Unholy Alliance isn't meant to be played vs a faction that isn't Unholy Alliance. Unless you're playing Skirmish of course.

From what I see, I think my mod opens up a lot of strategies in multilayer. I encourage people to play my mod online or over hamachi to test if my reasoning is sound. Please tell all your friends about this mod.

Please comment on what you have just read. There is nothing like reading feedback!

Lack of updates...

Sorry about the lack of mod updates guys. I've been quite busy with school and extracurriculars(Marching Band).

The next mod update will probably happen some time in the next few weeks. If you guys have any ideas for the mod just post it in a comment, also please make sure you tell everyone and your friend about this mod's existence.

Post lots of comments everywhere whenever possible.
Your feedback makes the mod better :D

Peace guys,

Monday, September 10, 2007

Does the Mod make the game Unbalanced?

New Poll, VOTE NOW!

I encourage you to comment on this post to explain your reasoning/tell me why you think the mod is unbalanced or not.


Sunday, September 9, 2007

About the Mod

C&C Retarded is my attempt at creating the best gaming experience possible in CNC3. I like to use my ability to understand the code behind the game to manipulate it to the way I see as being the most fun. For me I don't care what I do to a game, as long as in the end it is the most fun experience possible.

The name C&C Retarded came from my old mod, Zero Hour Retarded. The reason I choose to put the word retarded in its title was to make a point. Well actually a couple of points. One, I don't care if you don't like the mod. Two, you can never judge a book by its cover. And Three, I want to redefine what retarded means, I want my mod to be so good people will use the adjective retarded as synonyms to words like awesome or excellent. (It was also a little bit of me wanting to mock to the mod Zero Hour Reborn)

Changes the Mod makes to the game:
--------Things this Mod Changes--------

All Tiberium Refineries will provide $500 every 12 Seconds

Cranes can build base defences

Walls are buildable

Cranes can now build Cranes

All three factions are playable at once (Unholy Alliance)

All factions have starting units

MCV type units and structures now provided a larger build radius

Engineers come with repair drones

More structures allow for allied buildability

The Mutant Marauders are much much more powerful.

All power plants give more power.

Each faction has an Epic Structure. Temple Prime, GDI Advanced Battle Lab, Scrin Node.

All Transport vehicles (Ox ect..) get double the health

All tech centers take 2 minutes to build and require $10,000

Build time of Vertigo bombers and Firehawks have been halfed

Epic Structures will have the following

* Provide Ultimated Power
* Uber Build Radius
* Disable Fog of War, see all map
* Have Health Equivalent of 3 Con Yards/Drone Ships
* Unlock Uber Units

GDI Changes:
Starting Units-
Surveyor, Rifle Soldier Squad, Predator Tank, and Pitbull.

Infantry Changes-
Snipers always one hit kill infantry.
Zone Troopers take less time to be made.
Zone Troopers are able to fire at air units.
The Rifleman's dig-in now comes with a Watch Tower defense.
Grenadiers cost less and take less time to be made.
The player can now create more than one Commando.
Early Tier units take less time to be constructed.
Grenadiers do more damage.
GDI Commando has more health and there can be more than one on the field.
New Unit known as The Rance Costa, fires EMP Bullets.

Vehicle Changes-
Mammoth Tanks have been made faster and more difficult to destroy.
Juggernauts have been made more powerful and its build time has been changed to be the same as the Mammoth.
The APC is cheaper and can now hold two different infantry squads.
Rigs cost less and have been made more difficult to destroy.
Predator Tanks build faster and cost less.
Juggernauts and Mammoth Tanks move faster.
Pitbulls cost less and build faster.
Juggernaut's range has been extended.
MCV has more health.
Early Tier units take less time to be constructed.
Mammoths have double the missiles.
All Mammoth Tanks now include 1 Repair Drone

Aircraft Changes-
Orcas take on a Venom like quality. No longer does it require a spot on the airfield nor does it need to reload.
Firehawks deal twice as much damage.
Orca range has been enlarged.
Orca has more HP.

Structure Changes-
Barracks comes with two complimentary Watchtower deferences.
The Anti-Air Gun Turret now deals double damage.
Watchtower defence deals more damage and takes up less power.
Battle Base is much more powerful.
Preds and Riflemen have been buffed.
Silos store 3x as much money.
Power plant doesn't needs Tech Structure to upgrade.
Foxholes take half as much time to build.
Ion Cannon Control Center comes with 3 AA Turrets
GDI Tech Center comes with 3 Sonic Emitters
Double the attack power of Sonic Emitters

Superweapon Changes-
A new Superweapon called the “Liquid Tiberium Bomb” has been implemented. It is obtainable at the Space Uplink Building. This weapon does massive and destroys all things Tiberium. The money required to use this weapon is $45,000.
Ion Cannon now only takes 5 minutes to fire.
Zone Trooper drop now comes with a commando.
Sniper Drop (GDI) Will now contain twice the snipers
Radar Scan will reveal more

Nod Changes:
Starting Units-
Emissary, Nod Soldiers, Stealth Tank, and Scorpion Tanks.

Infantry Changes-
The Militant Squads have been replaced with Nod Soldiers. They can fire at air.
Shadow Teams instant kill all infantry and their bombs have been made more powerful.
Black Hands have been made much more powerful.
Fanatics now cost less and take little time to make.
Commando is stealthed while moving and deals much more damage.
Early Tier units take less time to be constructed.
Shadow teams fly twice as fast.
Nod Commando can now fire at aircraft and no longer uses c4

Vehicle Changes-
Buggys and Bikes cost less and take little time to construct.
Beam Cannons fire faster and take less time to construct.
Avatars have been made much more powerful, they now can fire at aircraft.
Flame Tanks do more damage.
Nod MCV is stealthed while not moving.
Early Tier units take less time to be constructed.
Stealth Tanks cost less and build Faster.
New Unit known as the Catalyst Avatar, turns vehicles into more of itself. Life time of 100 seconds.
Nod Bikes can navigate Cliffs.
Stealth Tanks will deal more damage.
Avatars now come with all the upgrades when created.

Aircraft Changes-
Venoms have been renamed to Vipers. They are now more powerful.
Vertigo Bomber deals twice as much damage.
Vertigo AA weapon has been doubled

Structure Changes-
All hub defenses carry five of the defense instead of three.
The Temple of Nod comes with five complimentary Obelisks of Light.
The Obelisk of Light now fires at aircraft. It is also much more powerful.
SAMs deal more damage.
Power plant doesn't needs Tech Structure to upgrade.
Silos store 3x as much money.

Superweapon Changes-
The Nuclear Missile has been amplified extremely, Massive Damage.
Timer on the Seed Tiberium power has been shortened.
Double the size of Nod's Cloaking Field

Scrin Changes:
Starting Units-
Explorer, Jobbers, Gun Walker, and Seeker Tanks.

Infantry Changes-
Jobbers(Buzzers) now deal damage to vehicles and structures. They will die instantly when hit by anything. They also can move over water.
ShockTroopers deam more damage

Vehicle Changes-
All hover vehicles now can travel over water and some cliffs.
Tripods can now fire at air.
Tripods instant kills infantry.

Aircraft Changes-
Mothership's speed has been doubled.
The MCV flies at a much higher altitude.
Planetary Assault Carriers are more powerful.
Devastator warships deal more damage.

Structure Changes-
The Scrin AA Structure deals much more damage.
When a Signal Transmitter is constructed the player will lose all fog of war.
Growth Accelerators now accelerates to Four times the normal rate. They build fast too.

Superweapon Changes-
The Rift has been changed to last longer and have a larger range.
Lightning Spikes now come with an Ion Storm.
Note: This list doesn't include all of the changes the mod makes to the game.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

No DVD-Crack0rz Issue

The mod uses 1.07 version of the game's .exe file. If you are using a no-dvd crack that isn't designed to crack the 1.07 version of the game then the mod will not work unless you have the dvd inserted.

Friday, September 7, 2007

C&C Retarded v1.4 is out!

CNC-Files Mirror

Unholy Alliance!!!

Changes/Features 1.4:

Scrin's anti air base defense now fires continuously.

Beam Cannons fire at faster rate than before.

Unholy Alliance faction has been added, all three sides all at once. (No AI compatiblity)

Jobbers now instant kill infantry.

Some Nod Nuke and GDI Liquid Tiberium Bomb changes to fix balance.

Every Faction now comes with starting units.

Rifle Soldier Squad
Preditor Tank

Militant Squad
Stealth Tank
Scorpian Tank

Gun Walker
Seeker Tank

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

C&C Retarded (v1.337) is OUT!

CNC-Files Mirror

Check it out guys!

Changes/Features 1.337:

Liquid Tiberium Bomb tweaked to be better. Fixed the past issues too.

Tiberium Recycling System:
All Factions will be able to recycle unneeded tiberium and place it back onto any field
for their allies to harvest. These recycled packages will come in the form of 500, 1000,
5000 and 10000 value crystal formations. Each package will cost 10% more than you will
get from re-harvesting them. (e.g. a crystal formation that will yield 500 when
harvested will cost 550 to place, a 1000 will cost 1100 to place, etc) These
recycled crystals formations will be buildable under the support structures

You now see the mod logo before the main menu.

APCs can now travel under water.

Mammoth tanks are now faster and take less time to construct.

GDI snipers always one shot kill now.

Zone troopers train much faster now.

The GDI AA gun turrets have had their damage doubled.

The reload time on guardian cannons are now faster and more powerful.

The nuclear missile has been made even stronger and causes some map wide damage.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Check out v1.001!

Hey guys, I just updated my mod YET AGAIN...

Enjoy :D

CNC-Files Mirror

Changes/Features 1.001:

Liquid Tiberium Bomb now destroys all tiberium on map. Plus More :)

Fixed "datamod_L_L.mainfest" issue that caused some people to not be able to play the mod.

Seed Tiberium is back and Seed Avatars is now gone.

GDI APC can now hold 2 different infantry squads.

Rift has been enlarged.

EA Logo has been disabled.

Lightning Spikes now come with an Ion Storm and only take a minute to reload.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Retarded v1.0! Released!! WOOT

Hey guys, just wanted to make sure you all know that C&C Retarded v1.0 has been released. Mirror

Moddb Mirror

Comprehensive Change List:

All Refineries will give you $500 every 12 seconds.

Cranes can now construct all base defense structures.

Cranes can now construct cranes.

Cranes give you as much build space as the Mini MCVs.

GDI harvesters can now acquire the railgun upgrade.

Scrin Harvesters move twice as fast.

Scrin Growth Accelerators now multiply tib growth by 2.5

Nod Harvesters no longer unstealth while docking at its refinery.

Mini MCVs deploy in half the normal time.

All Nod hub defenses have 5 defenses per hub.

Orcas now are like venoms. They no longer require the airfield to re-equip and such.

The Rig now has more health and costs less.

Juggernauts deal twice as much damage.

The Venom has been renamed to the "Viper".

Vipers cause more damage than the original Venom.

Buzzers have been renamed to "Jobbers"

Jobbers can now do a nice deal of damage to vehicles and structures.

Jobbers always die with one hit.

Buzzer Hives have been renamed to Jobber Hives and how contain 14 jobbers per hive.

The Swarm has been replaced with "Jobber Spam" - 10 Units (Instead of 7)

Orcas can attack other air units now.

Shadow teams one hit kill all infantry.

Black Hands cause more damage.

New Menu Music.

Obelisks can fire at aircraft now.

Zone Troopers can now fire at aircraft.

Riflemen when using their dig-in ability now create a watchtower dig-in hybrid.

Avatars are now more powerful. They can also fire while moving and at aircraft.

Riflemen when using their dig-in ability now create a watchtower dig-in hybrid.

Engineers are now twice as hard to kill and run 1.3 times faster.

Nod and GDI Engineers now come with 3 repair drones.

There are two new colors, Burgundy and Winter.

The Temple of Nod now comes with 5 complimentary obelisks of light.

The Temple of Nod's health has been multiplied by 2.

Nod Nuke Takes 10 minutes to ready up.

The Nod Nuke's damage radius has been multiplyed by 3.

The Rift now lasts 30 seconds.

Tripods can now attack air units.

Seed Tiberium has been replaced with Seed Avatars.

Seed Avatars deploys 3 new kinds of Avatars (MK2) that have a beam that can turn any vehicle into an avatar mk1.

The Nod Operations Center and GDI Command Post now act as the radar building when a construction yard is not present.

Grenaders now cost 200 and take 3 seconds to build.

Beam Cannons now cost 700 and take 4 seconds to build.

Fanatics now cost 200 and take 3 seconds to build.

Walls have been added.

All of Scrin's Hover units can now move over water.

Scrin MCVs now flys much higher.

All Scrin vehicles can now scale cliffs.

Mammoth Tanks are stronger.

Disruption Tower is now stealthed.

The Liquid Tiberium Bomb has been added as a GDI weapon at the Space Command Uplink Building.

I plan to do weekly updates, but they will probably not be all that consistent due to school. I hope you all enjoy the mod and continue to tell all your friends about it ;)

Sunday, September 2, 2007

v0.04 out!


Changes 0.04:

Seed Tiberium has been replaced with Seed Avatars.

Avatars have a new weapon that can turn any vehicle it fire at into a Rogue Avatar, that can turn other vehicles into other Rogue Avatars, ect...

Tripods can now attack air units.

The Rift now lasts 30 seconds.

The Nuke's damage radius has been multiplied by 3.

Nuke Takes 10 minutes to ready up.

The Temple of Nod's health has been multiplied by 2.

The Temple of Nod now comes with 5 complimentary obelisks of light.

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