Sunday, September 2, 2007

v0.04 out!


Changes 0.04:

Seed Tiberium has been replaced with Seed Avatars.

Avatars have a new weapon that can turn any vehicle it fire at into a Rogue Avatar, that can turn other vehicles into other Rogue Avatars, ect...

Tripods can now attack air units.

The Rift now lasts 30 seconds.

The Nuke's damage radius has been multiplied by 3.

Nuke Takes 10 minutes to ready up.

The Temple of Nod's health has been multiplied by 2.

The Temple of Nod now comes with 5 complimentary obelisks of light.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Gunrun,

I downloaded your mod v 0.04 but after I played a game with Nod against Nod I noticed that when you or your enemy has got a avatar all hell breakes lose becuase it's really (a bit too) difficult to take them down , my idea was to remove the rougue avatar.
It's just an idea, the rest of v 0.04 rocks, especially the nuke :P

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