Saturday, April 12, 2008

C&C Retarded: Final

Official Change List:

  • Stuff
  • Only 5 Tib silos can be built, and they produce $10 a second.
  • New Music
  • Unholy Alliance becomes more of a faction. It gets its own Conyard and build layout!
  • Nod Buggies get a Garrison Slot which allows fire from inside.
  • Rance Costa EMP snipers require GDI Epic Structure and now only take 20 seconds to build/$2400.
  • The GDI Reinforcement power, Bloodhounds, will be replaced with a new power.
  • Zone Trooper Drop pods will occur faster
  • Shockwave Artillery's EMP now lasts twice as long
  • Orca Strike now uses 15 Orcas
  • All MCVs will start undeployed at the beginning of each match.
  • GDI Zone Troopers can garrison Foxholes built by Riflement
  • Cloaking power gets more range
  • Catalyst Avatar only costs $13370 and takes 20 Seconds to build.
  • Epic Structures now take 1 minute to build and $40000
  • Final Tier defenses and Epic Structures cannot be sold.
  • All tech centers go back to one minute build time.
  • GDI Reinforcement abilities have been buffed, severely.
  • Mine drop takes half as much time.
  • Tiberium Vapor Bomb does MASSIVE damage.
  • Scrin gets Stuff
  • Scrin Ion Storms do much more damage
  • The Scrin Epic Structure will now provide 15 storm riders, and will make new ones if they die.
  • Engineers will be buffed to take more hits and also have a support power to that they can be sent to the battlefield, all factions.
  • Reload time on rocket soldiers will be halfed.
  • Growth Accelerators give $20 a second.
  • Tripods get repair drones.
  • All Engineers get new repair drones which repair buildings hella fast. I'm kinda going for the 15 engineers trying to repair the barracks during a flame tank rush in renegade approach. (I might just give them 15 repair drones)
  • more to come


Anonymous said...

That Silo better have the HP to back-up its Threat level.


Anonymous said...

perhaps the tiberium-based missile, bombs or upgrades can be put at this structure. like those vapor bomb upgrades, etc.

Tsylord said...

It would be nice to give the Unholy alliance some AI, or just remove it.

Tsylord said...

Also the tib silos are an ok idea but most people use money the second the get it, also you have to make sure they can build a supper weapon with out a silo. Also what about scrin, they need a money generator idea as well

Anonymous said...

love it love it thanks man Im waiten for the next one.
Kanes Rath needs one bad.
Its to quick to enjoy the diffrences in factions.
epic buildings are invisable in mine thats odd. how about a garrisonable vehical for nod?

Anonymous said...

Hey had an idea their really isnt an easy to find how to mod guide for cnc3 could you write a how to with the mod? or include a copy of a good one?
I would mutch rather learn from someone who nows what to do , and that be you.

love the mod man kains wrath is beggen for one.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I have a suggestion for Kane's Retarded.

when select a base faction(Vanilla Scrin,GDI, or NOD you start with thier subfactions's MCVs and the AI should use them 2.

What do you think.

Unknown said...

That would make it unbalanced. Also it defeats the purpose of playing as the new fractions as you can play as them all.

Anonymous said...

"Final Tier defenses and Epic Structures cannot be repaired." - That totally sucks. And you have overpowered the GDI. The Scrin don't have anything new again. You are going to spoil the mod it already is not very balanced but with this...

Unknown said...

is there a release date? or are we just waiting?

Tsylord said...

There is no release date yet, but it should be soon, also if you really want it there will be beta's posted at random here.

Anonymous said...

I have an new idea for you:

Why don´t you give the Unholy alliance A.I, or you allow the K.I. to construct the epic buildings / epic Units for battle.

The A.I. should start with their epic Structure, it would be awesome and fun.

Then a tank rush for example is much more difficult and much more fun, because the AI already has 7 Tier 3 defences and enough power to construct buildings more efficient and faster.

Is this something ???

Think about it.



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