Sunday, December 16, 2007

C&C Retarded 2.7 will be delayed.

Hey guys,
I have pushed back the next release of Retarded to Christmas. This is due to a load of college stuff I've been working on lately.

Here are some new things you can expect thanks to this delay.

  • Catalyst Avatars will now have a 40 Second Life time (not just the original)
  • A new GDI Vehicle - Gunther Lord of the Smackdown
  • Possible new tech tier
  • Much more to come..
In unrelated news, I just got myself a PS3 and I've been playing it non stop. Warhawk, Rock Band, Burnout Demo, Rachet and Clank, Uncharted, and Unreal Tournament 3 FTW!!!! I love my PS3 so much, it's worth every bit of the $300 dollars I spent to buy it. (UBER BESTBUY DISCOUNT FTW)

My PSN name is TheGunrun btw, add me!

Thats all for now. Peace,


Anonymous said...

Gratz on the new Playstation 3, hurry up with 2.7, we are getting bored and need something to do.


Anonymous said...

BTW happy B-Day to me!


Anonymous said...

Please include the old music for the 2.7.

Gunrun, if you want i can send you all the music.

If you want, let me know your mail adress.

It would be so great !!!!

Is it possible ???

Anonymous said...

in the meantime anyone recommend some single player skirmish maps with 3 or more players on that play well with 2.6 ??

Anonymous said...

Hey Gunrun do you also have a xbox 360? if you do my gamertag is CommanderRick56
add me!
I only have Halo 3 & Gears of War for online

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the PS3, I heard Uncharted is awesome. Gunther Lord of Smackdown and new tech tier? That sound awesome. Lol, Catalyst with 40 Second Life time? Will each unit it turns to an Avatar get 40 seconds too, or will it all end when the original goes?

Anonymous said...

Is there any chance of adding the option to disable superweapons as this is not an option in CNC3 like older CNC's?

Love the Mod keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

I second the Disabling of Super Weapons idea, though i dont think that will happen because that part of the game is hard-coded.

Gunrun, how much longer can we expect a new patch release?


cncgamefan said...

looks like it will be a good christmas present courtesy of the GunRun <@:)

cncgamefan said...

except for the 40s duration of catalyst avatar

will the cost drop to compensate for this??

Anonymous said...

Great MOD - still thinks Ratarded Generals MOD was better, you may get there...

Get your email@ and I will donate $100.

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