Thursday, November 8, 2007

C&C Retarded v2.5 (Almost here)

C&C Retarded v2.5 is well underway. This is your chance to get your word in! Post what ever you would like to see changed now, also please include very good reasons why I should use your idea. BTW This update will include an installer such as the one in Justice. I would like to thank KayakerUK for coding it up for me!

Thats all for now, peace.


Anonymous said...

Please make sure you tone done Nod Soldiers, Avatar and Tripod anti air damage. I like the idea which some1 posted earlier about the Avatar stealing anti air missiles from the stealth tank. Some air units are useless while these units do so much damage (eg Orca).

PS - Can't wait for 2.5!

Anonymous said...

LLLLLove your mods!!!
How about being able to build off of power plants, silo's etc. AAAAnd can we make occupied buildings and bunkers repairable, by sending in an engineer??

These changes would be beneficail for us Turtles, lol!

Thanks Anthony

Anonymous said...

I agree about the Engineers being able to repair buildings. That is a feature I would dearly like too.

Anonymous said...

I hope some of my suggestions were taken into consideration, looking forward to next patch!


Anonymous said...

I miss the Nod Militants lol.

Nod Soldiers are Nice, but The militant soldiers just have a nicer feel to them, just beefing up their stats instead of leaving them so disturbingly weak tho, thats what bothered me in C&C.

Anonymous said...

You are certainly taking your sweet time with this, aren't you GunRun?

I can't believe stat changes and stuff can take so long :S

Pls pls pls have new models or something in this one.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait!!!

Anonymous said...

Any plans for adding new team-colours? I sent you an email about them but it may have been regarded as spam. If you want any help adding more, shoot an email off to arcalane A T stormweyr D O T dk.

Would it also be possible to make constructable bunkers (like the GDI Rifleman one) that are fairly cheap?

Anonymous said...

I do hope GDI and Scrin get turrets for their super weapons like Nod did!

empulse said...

How about an editable CONFIG file so we can adjust AI, strengths, money, build times.. allow us to customize the mod ourselves a bit. Also allow us to share configs for online VS. play.

Anonymous said...

I love your mods, for zero hour and tibwars. Perhaps an idea to make the GDI Snipers MORE invisible?? They are to fast noticed by the Scrin IMO.

Anonymous said...

I love this mod! I have some ideas though
1. Lets make Garrisonable buildings and bunkers and stuff repairable.
2. Tone down the power of Nod Soldiers and GDI Riflemen.
3. I'm not sure if this is map related, but the Tiberuim fields don't grow out that far.
4. Nucleur Fanatics ^^
5. Turn Nod's Catalyst Missle into a super weapon.
6. Tiberuim based weapons turn ifantry into Viseroids.
7. Make Orcas less powerful.
8. How about a second Scrin superweapons that spawns a rift somewhere randomly on the map and has a fourth or half the range of the average black hole thingy. Or a lot of randomly spawning black holes across the map with little range that last a short amount of time.
8A. Or a weapon that spawn a large Ion Storm.
9. 2 Superweapons for each faction ^^, 6 for the Unholy Alliance

Greatest mod ever, thank you for making the nuke the perfect "Click-Wait-Wipe out enemy" weapon.

Anonymous said...

Ok i Have to comment on this:

1.That would be irritating
2.Partially agree
3.The fields are fine
4.If this gets implemented, i will kill you in your sleep.
5.I dont think its neccessary. But would be ok. comment
7.I say trade some power for more HP
8.FUCK NO, this would probly kill you more than the enemy anyways.
8a.this thing better cost alot... lost me...


Anonymous said...

Got in idea but i think u would agree with it though.

1. Have all NOD base def. have a zero rate of fire but not the ob.

2. If u don't get rid of the silos plz for the love of god make them hold more money! Rec 5 to 10k.

3. Have the power plants supply more power because I have more power plants then actually base.

Thanks for hearing me out love the mod and keep up the great work.


Anonymous said...

I second the power plant & silo suggestion. There just isn't enough room on a lot of maps for all the plants & silos you need for a good 'turtle' defense or a 'steamroller' economy.

Also love the Ion Storm superweapon idea. It would make for a good "mid-range" harassment SW, like orca strike or catalyst missile.

Either way, keep up the good work. Your mod elevated this game from just fun to totally addictive!
-- Daemon976

Anonymous said...

When will this new version
come out??? I'm waiting n waiting n getting bored fast...

Anonymous said...

Still waiting.

Anonymous said...

jeeez be patient

Anonymous said...

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