Friday, August 24, 2007

C&C Retarded v0.01 Released!

Sorry for the lack of updates guys, I've been busy.

I just released, from what I believe, the first mod created using the C&C3 SDK. I hope you all will enjoy this little mod.

All Refineries will give you $500 every 12 seconds.

Cranes can now once again be able to construct base defence structures.

Cranes can now make more cranes.

Cranes now give you as much build space as the Mini MCVs.

Download here:;82321


Anonymous said...

hi gunrun i'm a great fan of c&c series since ra2,and ur work in generals and zh per example.
about this mod i leave u the main doubt: i go so start menu, choose ea>cc3 tib wars and then i choose Tib Wars Control Center as u say in ur Readme, and THEN(!) there's no Choose or Browse Mod option.the thing is i tried to put the files in my docs>tib wars>mods or in app. data>tib wars>mods. by any of these ways and with the problem i told u in C.Center,the mod keeps not workin
sorry my bad english and please say somethin'

Anonymous said...

I was wondering how you enabled all the defensive buildings for the cranes?

Anonymous said...

hello rebell,please check my posts at fillefront,today i enabled all features,with 1.08 patch and all retail.exe's checked,then u have all the features of this
for any doubt:
happy hackin!!

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