Here is a list of ideas that I have had in the past that I felt later on to not do. Enjoy!
- Release Retarded 2.9 on April 1st where the only change to the game is changing the intro to an inescapable Rick Roll video.
- Make blue tiberium easy to destroy, and when destroyed kill all things around it including tiberium next to it creating a chain reaction of explosions. Blue Tiberium would have been worth 5 times as much as it is now.
- Replace all tiberium in the game to breasts
- The Liquid Tiberium Truck, a Nod vehicle that would hold liquid tiberium. After Temple Prime is made this vehicle would carry this liquid tiberium into its enemy base causing a liquid tiberium explosion (like the gdi one). Max number of unit would be one and cost would be 13k.
- Hover Mammoth Tank that flew at orca speeds
- Seed Avatars - Dropped bomb that exploded into 3 Catalyst Avatars
- Jobber Hives that created controllable Jobbers.
- Viral Tiberium - Grew exponentially and damages everything. [When I was testing this it grew so fast and so rapidly it eventually crashed my computer...]
- Father Ship - Mother Ship with a cannon that when fired at tiberium turned it into tripods, huge range.
- The I'm a sore looser upgrade, costs lots and when you loose your mcv every thing on the map dies.
- more to come as I remember/create them
Like the Tiberium Idea, if you can slow it down that would be awesome.
HAH nice ideas but they are very powerful. Make them to be able as upgrades from the epic structure and each of them to cost at least 10 000 resourses (destroyed with epic structure.
The boob-erium would have made a great April Fool's joke, IMO.
And I agree with taylor - in the fluff/story, Tiberium sounds a hell of a lot worse than it does in the game.
I wonder - would it be possible to cause visceroids spawning from infantry dying in tiberium, similar to the way infantry can be turned into visceroids when killed by a Scrin Corruptor?
these ideas sound like you got your ass kicked online again. about 8/10 would throw this MOD out of wack, please dont do it.
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