Friday, April 11, 2008

Epic Structures Fix

Set your Model Detail to High and Shader Detail to medium and everything works!


Tsylord said...

There has to be a better way to fix this as some people can't run these settings.

TheGunrun said...

The only other way is to get ea to update the sdk

Tsylord said...

Oh, I see. Oh well it doesn't affect me.

Tsylord said...

Hey some suggestions for the mod.

What about giving units the ability to fix garrisoned buildings over time.

Also maybe for nod the ability to make money off of enemy kills like the GLA from generals.

Another idea, give the avatars the ability to upgrade through purchases rather than units.

Tsylord said...

Sorry another what about for all factions, there's a repair defense which repairs units and buildings in a certain radius.

Anonymous said...

I changed my shader detail to medium (everything else is high)

why can't I build a gunther?

Anonymous said...

what building is the gunther supposed to be built from?

I defaulted my video settings, set the shader detail to medium, built the advanced tech center

can't find an icon to build the gunther with, greyed or otherwise

Anonymous said...

BTW, the tiberium silos only give +5 a second, mabey that's a clue

anyway, I've been playing this mod just about forever and I'd like to say you rock

you have provided me and my friends with many days of fun and carnage, and I just can't wait to blow up some more junk

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