Sunday, March 9, 2008

C&C Retarded: FINAL (WIP)

Hey hey,
With Kane's Wrath on its way I have decided that the new C&C Retarded mod will be the last one for C&C3 assuming that it doesn't have a game breaking bug in it or something. There will be no 2.9 but rather "FINAL".

C&C Retarded: FINAL will include the following (hopefully):

  1. An ingame soundtrack with similar awesomeness to that of Zero Hour Retarded (This will make this mod huge size wise)
  2. A fix to the invisible buildings
  3. A second release which will be called C&C Retarded: FLite excluding the music
  4. and maybe more... If you want something in this, post in the comments or shoot me an email/msn


Anonymous said...

Please please please add AI to your created fraction or get rid of it.

Anonymous said...

Still like it if you could add Veinholes to the game.

Anonymous said...

I say wait on the Veinholes untill Kain's Wrath because i heard the Veinholes will be present in Kane's Wrath.

And yes put some AI for the Unholy Alliance, im getting bored with the single factions and making AI for that faction will be a good Fanale move IMO.

As for my Request, please DO NOT put anymore lousy music tracks into the game, the Main Menu and and the Skirmish Lobby music is good, that can stay.

If you are putting in-game music in finally, then please again DO NOT put lousy music into the game, im saying this because the majority of music that you put into the Zero Hour Retarded was AWFUL.

I can help with good music selection for the game if you want, PM me at cncmods.


Unknown said...

I say just wait for kane's wrath and mod that.

Anonymous said...

Is there anyway of been able to disable superweapons ???? as in previous CNC titles???

Keep up the good work :)

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to Gunther Lord of the Smackdown?
I was wanting to try him, but he doesn't appear to be in the mod.

Anonymous said...

It would be much better if your main menu theme song is Divine Intervention.

Plus if you are going to add in and edit music tracks, you need to lower some of the volumes in those tracks. The replacement ones can be very noisy.

I have done this before but I am almost finished with this type of activity. All I need is to make several adjustments and I will be done.

Anonymous said...

It would be much better if your main menu theme song is Divine Intervention.

Plus if you are going to add in and edit music tracks, you need to lower some of the volumes in those tracks. The replacement ones can be very noisy.

I have done this before but I am almost finished with this type of activity. All I need is to make several adjustments and I will be done.

Anonymous said...

add another vtol for gdi and nod, more tanks and if possible another defence to each faction. Really, the game lacks units.

Anonymous said...

New Units will be featred in the Kane's Retarded, not this one.


Anonymous said...


Long live Pinoy Gamers!!!

--wish GMA is dead--

Anonymous said...

woohoo, music in the final release!

Tsylord said...

So when will be able to expect the final release, as when Kane's Wraith comes out I'm switching to that.

Anonymous said...

when is this coming out???????

Anonymous said...

+1 on Gunther!!!!!!!! Hide one somewhere, I loved that unit.

Anonymous said...

If there's a way to add vetarancy crates to build as structers it'll be very cool and add ability to repair walls

Unknown said...

When i tried to play through lan with my friend the game with 2.8 version of your mod, when played vs AI, all was fine, but when it comes to 1vs1 (player vs player), after a while pops up this... and the game ends

Where could be the problem? Me and my friend did the same instalation process.

TheGunrun said...


From what I see it might have to do with the epic structures. Do one of you see them and the other not? If so it could be the issue. If it is try making sure you have the same graphics settings selected. See if that works, or just avoid using the epic structures in your games until C&C Retarded Final is out.

Anonymous said...

Well firstly I want to say that I really like your mode. It is awesome and I appreciate your hard work. The only thing that annoyed me was that the Scrin Changes weren't as much as the ones of the GDI and NOD. I would like to make some suggestions. Try giving a shield upgrade for each base defense of the scrins which will cost for example 500-800 money (or tiberium whatever) and maybe a optional shield defense for the buildings will be good too. I think that that would make the mod more balanced because a Scrin player would have a better defense.

And maybe if you are able to it would be nice if you can make a fire range circle appear around the units and defense towers so that you can know how much the firing range is and that would help you figure your tactics. And that circle should appear for a group of selected units like in Supreme Commander if you know the game. It would be nice if you can select multiple defense towers of one kind with double click so that you ca tell all of them to fire at one group of units at once.

Oh yeah and another idea for the Scrins... how about some kind of a unit or viacle ( don't know how its written) that can transport a shield with it self and when activated to defend the units around it for some period of time.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes sorry for posting again but I think that all of the races should have Engineers with Probes. And the GDI can make many commandos but the scrin can't make their special unit multiple times (the one that controls buildings and teleports units. And also I think that it isn't fair that only the GDI Mammoths and Sonic Emitters have a probe attached to them. The Scrin and NOD should have the same things too. Please reply what you think about this and my previous idea from the upper .post

Anonymous said...

An other suggestion for the Scrins. I've played the mod for 2 days now and even though I haven't noticed all the changes ( cause there is a quite large range of those) I really began to realize that the scrins have a disadvantage. Firstly I noticed the lack of the 3 Storm Columns Which you should have with the building of the Technology Assembler (smth like that), secondly there isn't a drone coming with the scrins engineers. Also you cannot upgrade the Power plants unless you have a Technology Assembler and there aren't probes to repair the Tripods ( but i GDI the Mammoths have some). Also the flying ships... those with the plasma disks... have a very weak firing power (7 ships trying to destroy a normal tank of the GDi and it takes them 4 times to recharge and shoot. And also the scrins don't have resource silos which means they can,t get 5 resources a second ( for example you can make the Growth Accelerators give 10 or 50, don't know which will be best ,recourses a second).
And for those who complain that the epic structures are invisible I think that is because they don't have the latest patch of the games. And the new unit of the GDI which should shoot EMP bullets just goes out of the building with almost no life left and can.t move or shoot .

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

We have different pc,
he has pentium base motherboard, gforce graphics card, i have amd base pc, radeon graphics card, which is lower class than his...etc

and we have different graphic settings in the game...

the next thing is that we tried to play it in many ways... and just now the game kicked us out after 1:09hrs of gameplay because the error, even when we werent using your mod (which is very great in my opinion), so there might be some bound, that could be connected with the vanilla and mod mode...

tomorrow or later well reinstall the game and will test it for about a couple of hours and see if it does it again.

and could it might be connected with the internet connection, because in the last time we were doing there a very intense battle (50 scrin hive ships vs 400 orcas for about 20 minutes with many waves comming and comming from our bases in the middle of the battleground)

but for reminder, when played duel with your mod, the fastest time, when he kicked us out was about 10 minutes of gameplay

Unknown said...

but dont bother fixing bug that may or may not be connected with your mod, because after the new CnC3 will come out, we will play that instead of this one :)

so better concentrate on creating retarded (or whatever it will be called) mod to the new version of the game, cheers mate!

Anonymous said...

I got the latest version of C&C, installed retarted and it was done

(side note: i got vista)
I whent to C/programsfiles/etc etc.

But i didend see the Controle thingy.

So i took my destop link (C&C 3- snelkoppeling) and added -ui behind it (without space or anything) But the mod still doesent work..

Anonymous said...

" So i took my destop link (C&C 3- snelkoppeling) and added -ui behind it (without space or anything) But the mod still doesent work.. "

i had the same problem, quite annoying
C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars\

thats where the profile replays etc are stored per default

if you put the MODS folder there the mods don't show up

just copy the whole Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars folder to

out your mods there, also the replays will be saved there

ahould look like this
C:\Users\Username\Documents\Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars\mods

Anonymous said...

to clarify some things...

the AppData folder is hidden (you have to enable show hidden files/folders to see it)

copy the CNC3 folder from ...\Roaming\ to the C:\Users\...\Documents folder

you can go to Start -> Games and rightclick CnC3 there, and start the Launcher that way

Anonymous said...

win iz the gong 2 b r373as3d??

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