I am pleased to announce a new mod from me. "C&C Ridonkulous"
Basically it's a Retarded Lite, all the overall but non of the mini.
Features will include:
- Walls
- Unholy Alliance
- Cranes Building Cranes
- Cranes Building Defenses
- Operation Center Radar
- The Tiberium Recycling System
P.S. Retarded v2.2 will be out some time next week simultaneously with Ridonkulous.
You probly wouldnt have to release Ridonkulous if you would just balance the Retarded MOD a little better. Here are some quick options to help you if you are interested:
1.Grenadiers need to do more damage and/or increased missile speed of grenades
2.Zone Troopers need a slight decrease in damage
3.Scorpion Tanks need a HP increase
4.Nod Hubs need an HP increase
5.Tripod damage needs to be toned down
6.Devastator Warship needs a MASSIVE decrease in damage
7.Tripods should not be allowed to walk up walls
8.Rifleman Squads and Nod Soldiers need to be toned down in damage slightly
9.Missile Squads and Militant Rocket Squads should get faster moving rockets
10.Juggernauts need to be toned down in either the range or damage department
11.Avatars and Tripods need to do less damage to air units
12.GDI AI needs to be tweaked because they spam nothing but watch towers and no other ground defense turrets, which make them far easier to kill
13. AI for unholy alliance is also needed.
Ridonkulous is meant to give people a second option in my mods.
Also could you please give me reasons that justify these changes you suggested Valherran?
*cough cough*
I find this kinda "retarded"...
See what i did there?
Sorry for dp but, you need to get more new stuff in the game and not just more stat changes if you want to keep people like me interested in your mod...
Hell, i'd even be fine with new units made from pre-existing models.
Just anything new, that isn't a stat change.
....nod artillery in kane wrath...is hooorrroorfull!!! It's ugly to see! Cazzo where is the old nod artillery? Please someone call EA and say them to do a better nod artillery! sigh! sigh!
Ehmm, Valherran, nothing personal really, but if Gunrun did what you asked, then all units could aswell use stones instead of their nerfed weapons and still they would do more damage...
"6.Devastator Warship needs a MASSIVE decrease in damage" --- Hell it's meant to do a fuckin' lot of damage... have you ever seen alien spacecraft which is weak? If you are annoyed that they slap your units from distance with high damage output, then build whatever anti-air units your side has. For example few Firehawks can take them out with ease.
"7.Tripods should not be allowed to walk up walls" --- Well, I don't agree here, tripods walking up cliffs look weird, but it is much more believable than mammoths for example. And anyway their legs have sharp ends which means they can dig a little to the ground to help them go up the steep cliff.
"Sorry for dp but, you need to get more new stuff in the game and not just more stat changes if you want to keep people like me interested in your mod..." --- Wait for Kane's Wrath, there will be plenty new models which Gunrun can play with. =)
But I agree with that at some point, for example give Nod that truck (seen in few missions) as transport. Could carry more units than GDI APC, but with no weapons and could have slightly weaker armor.
"Hell it's meant to do a fuckin' lot of damage... have you ever seen alien spacecraft which is weak? If you are annoyed that they slap your units from distance with high damage output, then build whatever anti-air units your side has. For example few Firehawks can take them out with ease."
Dude, Anything with high damage and near zero ROF, is already going to be extremely overpowered, and because this unit meets those prerequisites, it is overpowered, a legendary computer rushed 40 of these things in 5 min and killed me on -95% handicap while i was checking out a new map. 1 ship took out a obelisk in just a few seconds with that handicap, if a unit can kill that fast with this kind of handicap put on it, there is something wrong with this picture, and if you cant see that picture then you need help, sorry to say.
"Well, I don't agree here, tripods walking up cliffs look weird, but it is much more believable than mammoths for example. And anyway their legs have sharp ends which means they can dig a little to the ground to help them go up the steep cliff."
The walking upward from a straight 90 degree angle just doesn't make much sense in the physics department, and on top of that it is completely unfair for a powerful unit (2nd most powerful/expensive unit) such as this one that can also blow down aircraft next to instantly should not be walking on walls like that.
@thegunrun: i believe i did justify my answer to those changes in the above statement. And my Justification was to balance the current MOD a little better.
Dude, Anything with high damage and near zero ROF, is already going to be extremely overpowered, and because this unit meets those prerequisites, it is overpowered, a legendary computer rushed 40 of these things in 5 min and killed me on -95% handicap while i was checking out a new map. 1 ship took out a obelisk in just a few seconds with that handicap, if a unit can kill that fast with this kind of handicap put on it, there is something wrong with this picture, and if you cant see that picture then you need help, sorry to say.
As I read the 1.09 patch notes, I think that the patch quite solves the problem, huh? =)
is this one going to work on 1.08 or 1.09?
I hope it at least has the uber scrin regrowth things, only because unholy alliance will rape your cash, and it'll need it, lol.
"As I read the 1.09 patch notes, I think that the patch quite solves the problem, huh? =)"
Hmmmm, i am not sure if the patch matters when a person is modding the game in general, i believe the patches are only used for all the hard coded game variants to work with and so on.
Uh Valherren. in a game like C&C, physics don't mean "Shit". If you want to do that, then how can Nod soldiers survive a tiberium infusion if it crystallizes everyone? How can the avatar stand upright fully upgraded if it looks so flimsy?.
By your logic, it seems even a game can't defy all laws of physics.
Which games do, constantly, quit whining. Scrin are aliens, they are ment to boggle our minds.
ALso, the devestators aren't his fault, its official fault.
So yeah.
Why would scorpion tanks need an HP increase?....
They are not medium or heavy tanks, they are LIGHT TANKS. even Says so O_o.
Ment for speed, not staying power.
Uh, riflemen squad suck monkeynuts.
lol not even worth touching.
Also, Juggernaughts are ment for artillery, they need range.
You sure GDI spams watch towers? In mine they spammed more anti air and anti tank they you could shake a stick at.
Lets look at scrin for a minute.
The Scrin are MENT to be borderline rediculous cause they shine in the late game. If your dumb enough to let them crank out 40 devestators then you deserve to get raped. Even at 95% Handicap.
Amen, brother!
"Why would scorpion tanks need an HP increase?....
They are not medium or heavy tanks, they are LIGHT TANKS. even Says so O_o.
Ment for speed, not staying power."
Why you ask? because the damn things get killed in 3 hits by predators or get killed instantly by everything else bigger than it, this take is a waste of money with such little HP. A rifle man squad can almost take it out before it runs them over.
"Also, Juggernaughts are ment for artillery, they need range."
Their range is over the top and very unbalanced, which is why the CPU spams them constantly.
"The Scrin are MENT to be borderline rediculous cause they shine in the late game."
Only in your mind...
"If your dumb enough to let them crank out 40 devestators then you deserve to get raped. Even at 95% Handicap."
Ok smart-ass, you take on a Brutal Turtle Scrin AI in a 1v1 map without the handicap. Then we will see who gets raped.
I have a request to make the mod better that is to have GDI and Nod no longer require tiberium silos at all just like the Scrin.
I have a another request this one goes to GDI. These orcas are weak for there own good. They can get killed by almost anything in one hit. So i am requesting a small hp boost so they can live just a bit longer.
Valherren I did, I won because I kept the pressure on them, GDI is ment to rush, so rush them for christs sake, Scrin is ment to turtle, they are ment to sit there, and and build up the mother of all armies and then steamroll over you, I listened to the CNC3 podcasts when they were talking about the scrin in the new game, they specifically said that.
I've played the scrin enough to know it too.
Now I don't know hwat world you live in that makes you think your so high and mighty, ALSO, this mod was made by gunrun, its ment to be "Retarded" not "Balanced" yeesh.
Quit Fucking Whining, If you don't like this mod, why the bloody fuck are you playing it? So you can bitch, moan, cry, whine, sob, and complain about balance?
If you rush the scrin, and keep the pressure on them, they'll be forced to fight you on your terms, if you let them build up, they are gonna rape you, And i'm talking about, without any mods, playing em in skirmish, AI, brutal, Chaching, thppp, RAPE.
Only in my mind? I give up, Plain and simple, fuck you, kay? fuck you, I don't think anyone CARES what you say, Honestly, Gunrun said so himself, its not ment to be played against AI, its ment to be played person to person.
And a rifle squad can take out a Scorpion tank WHAT THE BLOODY FUCK?!
Excuse me while I laugh my ass off. What world are you living in, some little world where all games suck and are unbalanced?
I play as nod all the time, and GDI riflemen flat out SUCK.
Missile Squads and Militant?...
You know what, If I ever play you online, I'm going to do nothing but spam rocket squads, i'm going to do something tha tpisses alot of people off, the Nod Rocket Squad Spam, see how you like that when everything, even devestators get raped, everyone looses to having a thousand or so rockets hitting their units constantly.
Their range is over the top and very unbalanced, which is why the CPU spams them constantly.
Har, Har, Har, Har Har, Hardy HAR HAR HAR.
Very "Fucking" Funny >_>
No really, Very Funny.
Juggernaughts "SUCK"
They Absofuckinglutly suck times 50. I have never, lost, to a juggernaught rush, even on CNC Retarded 2.1.
Never, Not once, and I use Nod all the time. Dear god your funny.
They Suck, They get raped by a combination of stealth tanks and avatars along with Vertigos.
Please, don't make me laugh okay?.
If you loose to a juggernaught rush, Then You flat out suck.
Its the truth, if you loose to something as pathetic, as a juggernaught rush, then you suck.
gremioo about the tiberium silos, the scrin are aliens who have knowledge of tiberium on a level that GDI and NOD do not, to the point of them not needing silos, they have the economic advantage.
They are ment to, lol, Now, i'm not saying silos are not annoying, cause they bloody well are. But its just how the factions are.
Ok a few things Mr.Asswhipe of the universe, one, on the discription of this MOD it says BALANCED, and the shit that i am pointing out is UNBALANCED, obviously you dont even know balanced when you see it because you are too busy kissing the mod creator's ass. On top of that i am not bitching/whining/complaining about anything i am pointing out things in my view.
Two, WTF are you talking about juggernaught rushes, this has NOTHING to do with what I AM talking about, on top of that, they ARE overpowered their range is ridiculous, it dont matter who/what is spamming them or not ya fuckhead.
Three, for those people who wish to take a break from player vs player and fight AI instead is perfectly fine, if it werent meant to fight against AI then he might as well have disabled it, but THAT would be stupid.
Four, I live in no world, but your in one of your own, i am good against other players, and when i catch you online im gonna whip your ass so hard your grand children are gonna be n00bed, and there WILL be no mercy. Good day ASSHOLE!
@thegunrun: Apologies about the flamewar in advance but the cocky little englishman whos balls probably havent dropped decided to start one. Again sorry.
LMFAO at Val's Comment, i read the changes you requested and some them would be a great asset, and some are a bit questionable, i agree with ideas: 1,3,4,5,6,7,10,11,12,13.
I think the Zone Troopers are fine as is, the faster rockets arent really needed and the rifle sqauds i dont have a problem with.
On the topic of AI, i would like to see a new AI setting (i.e. rusher, turtle) i do like fighting against cpus they can be quite challenging than human players. :-)
How bout you both knock it off and grow up?
If you guys are sooooo clever and know what the hell needs to be changed and then argue about it the whole time, why dont you go make your own fucking mod.... then id like to see all those "positive" posts about your ubercool mod.
OHHHHH you cant make one?!?! You dont know how?!?! Then what about a big cup of SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! Post only CONSTRUCTIVE IDEAS and no flameposts for fucking sake...
Ohh Gunrun and why dont you find yourself some help? It will be less work for you and could allow you to release updates faster. (just a stupid idea) =))))
And instead of promising how you would kick each others ass online... why dont you set yourself a game up? huh? then see whos better.... hmm?
Yeah...REAL constructive Silencer...
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