Hey guys, I felt like I didn't do enough to the mod to make it worthy of a release this week. This is what I've done so far. Please comment on my ideas and feel free to add your own.
Changes/Features 1.6:
You can now create more than one GDI commando.
Mammoth is now harder to kill.
GDI Barracks comes with Two Anti Infantry defences.
Ion Cannon's Reload time has been set to 2.5 minutes.
Growth Accelerators now only take 5 seconds to construct and does much more acceleration.
Hmm sounds good, you think it would be possible to add a flak based AA turret, or possibly tank, that would be cool :P
maybe you could add a tank like the Chinese gunther tank for gdi like a massive mammoth
Heh, that does suck.
I don't think you can do much more stats wise..
You need to get new models into the game or something, and have completely new units 'n stuff
Don't suppose you could bring in the mammy MKII somehow? Maybe have it's rails shoot in the air like a sonic emitter just raping them in a line.
maybe some more air units?
Adding new units takes away the fun
I like to use my ability to understand the code behind the game to manipulate it to the way I see as being the most fun. For me I don't care what I do to a game, as long as in the end it is the most fun experience possible.
He said that he is no good at modeling, but can change the code a bunch. But I think he has changed it as much as possible.
The Tiberian Sun Rising mod will have all the tiberian sun stuff in it for CNC3
And, at above:
If adding new units takes away the fun, then Kane's Wrath will be awfully boring, won't it? -.-'
""If adding new units takes away the fun, then Kane's Wrath will be awfully boring, won't it?""
Adding new unit models is not boring as long as the models are of adequate quality (at least for me)... I don't know, I never liked models from anyone else than the company that made the game... And btw, play the Campaign at least GDI one... and you will see that production of Mammoth Mk.II has been stopped and all such units have been deconstructed. And as all "legged" units do even MmMk.II did lack mobility, speed and was tactically inappropriate... if it was for real, squad of rocket equipped soldiers would have taken it down from a great distance just because it was so tall... Mammoth Mk.III is like it's two versions younger brother: mobile, quite fast and short just as combat vehicle should be.
- New sub-menu music, more varieties of music.
- Limit the GDI commando to only 2 per player (or unlimit other commandos too).
- Change the beginning units not to contain the end-game units (Tripod, Warmech, Mammoth), in multi-player game it might be unfair, if one player lost his Tripod/Warmech and another player captured it and the Mammoth would just explode and disappear.
>> Change it so there are for example two tanks (GDI: 2xPredator, Nod: 2xScorpion, Scrin: 2x!!Devourer!!) and two lesser vehicles (GDI: Pitbull/APC, Nod: Attack Bike/Raider Buggy, Scrin: Gun Walker/Seeker Tank)
- You should do the upper section of the Avatar spin like a turret so he can fire while moving more easily.
- Try to use the TS NOD soldier skin or the old one.
- remove the Militant Rocket Squad and replace it with a Confessor Squad of 4 units: 2 using rocket launchers and 2 using hallucinogenic grenades that fire faster.
- Give GDI Grenadier Squad a grenade launcher.
"Adding new units takes away the fun
I like to use my ability to understand the code behind the game to manipulate it to the way I see as being the most fun. For me I don't care what I do to a game, as long as in the end it is the most fun experience possible.
He said that he is no good at modeling, but can change the code a bunch. But I think he has changed it as much as possible."
Sorry, never finished the sentence
It takes away the fun of CnC Retarded, not the game.
About the new units thing, he has talked about adding new units. Not necessarily new models, but larger versions of existing models, that are say more powerful, or different abilities
o Scrin - Assimilation Drone
o Nod - Black Wrench
o GDI - Engineer 2.0
* GDI Titan - Phydeaux
And there were other ideas in previous posts from him as well.
These were ideas that he had thought of before the mod sdk became available.
I have CC3 patched 1.08 with its no-cd patch. For some reasons it doesn't work with C&C Retarded (it works with everything else). Any ideas why is that?
no-cd patch query - Gunrun mentioned that his mod uses the 1.07 files, so try that no-cd when running the mod (If i recall a previous comment correctly)
mamoth's not enoughly armored or rightly armed against PACs per exemple
another issue i think is do something more about SCRIN's powers, nobody uses phase fields per example! why not an earthwake generator or somethin. it's all about defense is their powers..
I use phase fields, but its so over priced. Its one of those things that depend on your oponent's unit management. First they have to nottice it, then have their units ignore it and go to other targets.
Just a stupid question lol, is it possible to change the Unholy ALliance UI? I"m only asking because Damn does the GDI Ui look bland, I like the Nod/Scrin UIs better, and I miss the AI Voice, again, of Nod/Scrin, but thats just me.
Noticing the Nod Soldiers, I'm thinking of this, Keep the Militia, and Militia Rocket Troopers, but litteraly "Add" in the Nod Soldiers in after that, that'll make nods infantry more diversified, Nod soldiers are better trained then the militants, and Militant Rockets don't go well with nod soldiers, thats just my opinion tho, or at least, make Nod Rocketlauncher dudes or something, rofl.
Also, Is it possible for you to do some coding to the AI? I noticed that they don't "Flee" to their allies when they are getting overpowered, silly I know, but it also makes for some nice strategies, They sit there letting their MCV get blown to smitheerens, they don't actively attempt to connect to their allies base incase something bad happens and their Ally has superior defenses. In my case, I just sit there in the Unholy Alliance faction and create the god of all defenses :P, I prefer to sit back and let the enemy waste his resources, I'm at least thinking the AI's when allied should either unpack their MCV when their base is about to get raped and run it, or build another MCV and run it to the allies territory and deploy it then rebuild. I also noticed GDI and Scrin AI's don't use their superweapons, they built it and just sit there when its fully charged, Nod used it, but GDI and Scrin don't. And like I said in the upper area, GDI UI is blanD D:, :P, Unholy Alliance should have nod or scrin UI! muahahahaha!.
and should have the voices too.
About the games AI like i said before, I "Think" as in my opinion would be that the AI would be alot "Better" if it interacted much better with both its allies and enemies, I'm just voicing ideas, in the end, its your call gunrun XD.
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