CNC-Files Mirror
Check it out guys!
Changes/Features 1.337:
Liquid Tiberium Bomb tweaked to be better. Fixed the past issues too.
Tiberium Recycling System:
All Factions will be able to recycle unneeded tiberium and place it back onto any field
for their allies to harvest. These recycled packages will come in the form of 500, 1000,
5000 and 10000 value crystal formations. Each package will cost 10% more than you will
get from re-harvesting them. (e.g. a crystal formation that will yield 500 when
harvested will cost 550 to place, a 1000 will cost 1100 to place, etc) These
recycled crystals formations will be buildable under the support structures
You now see the mod logo before the main menu.
APCs can now travel under water.
Mammoth tanks are now faster and take less time to construct.
GDI snipers always one shot kill now.
Zone troopers train much faster now.
The GDI AA gun turrets have had their damage doubled.
The reload time on guardian cannons are now faster and more powerful.
The nuclear missile has been made even stronger and causes some map wide damage.
If the Nuke is so powerful, could the cost and time be increased proportionally, or alternatively, make the Ion Cannon similar?
What is the song for the new menu music?
The version number is just begging for a comment... ;-)
Nice mod!
I like the Mod, although the Liquid Tiberium Bomd is near to be suicide to use.
Anyway, I'd like to know how you got the Tiberium Bomb to work. I tried to replace the Ion Cannon with it, but it doesn't work. Coul'd you send me athe files needed, or at least tell me what I have to modify?
My E-Mail:
umm anyone here runnin the game with a no-cd/dvd crack? i have kane edition installed with modSDK 2.0, the new world builder, and patch 1.08 (cracked so i dont need to have the dvd in to play) I use no cd/dvd cracks for all my games cuz my dvd-rom acts up sometimes but this is the first time i've had a problem with a mod. It says "Wrong disc inserted. Please insert the original 'Command and Conquer 3' CD/DVD." I can play the game fine, but none of the mods work; can anyone help? Thanks
Dear Guy above me
To run CnC Retarded with no DVD, you must:
1. Go to the store.
2. Buy the game.
Then it should work. Hope this helps...
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