Sunday, January 6, 2008

So yeah...

Hey guys, sorry bout the lack of updates and such. Been very busy. Tis finals season, so I'll be busy working on school related stuff.

BTW I just saw battlecast primetime and it looked very nice, special the kane's wrath stuff. That new GDI titan unit kinda reminds me of Gunther Lord of the Smackdown from Zero Hour doesn't it? Also I love the whole new factions and stuff.

There will be a C&C Retarded for Kane's Wrath, the name of it will still be up in the air but expect it to have more of a Zero Hour Retarded type of zeal which than the current 2.7. More factions make's me like it. This is a definite buy for me.

Yeah so current name ideas for the new mod are...

  • C&C(3): TheGunrun's Retarded
  • C&C Retarded Again
  • The Retarderium Chronicalls
  • TheGunrun Presents: C&C Kane's Retarded
  • C&C Wretarded
Also I'm serious about the title names lol.. One of these will be the new name.

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