Friday, November 30, 2007

C&C Retarded 2.6 is out!

CNC-Files Mirror


Just wanted to let you know that 2.6 of retarded is

Changes from 2.5 to 2.6 include a new unit-

A Sniper Squad known as the Rance Costa. They fire EMP
Bullets. (GDI)

Power plants give double the power.

And some various changes to units.

Friday, November 23, 2007

New Unit: The "Rance Costa"

The Rance Costa are an elite group of snipers equipped with the state of the art Epileptic Sniper Ramjet Rifle, capable of firing EMP bullets at all walks of life. They can disable Avatars with a single shot and they have been known to take down an entire armada of storm riders in under a minute.

Expect to see this unit in 2.6

Requirements - $7000 & GDI Space Uplink Station
Build Time is 12 Seconds
Squads of One
Range of Current Snipers x 1.3
Reload time is 2 Seconds
Clip of One Bullet
Can Fire at Aircraft - EMP Bullet has no effect on PACs

C&C Retarded 2.6 is in the works!

Post your ideas or opinions on what you would like to see in v2.6!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

"The Second Opinion"

The Second Opinion is a blog created by one of my old friends, Zerreth. Great place to gain some knowledge on Anime and video games in general. He knows his stuff. He has been giving me Anime advice since 2003.

Monday, November 19, 2007

v2.5 Screenshots!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

C&C Retarded 2.5 is OUT!

CNC-Files Mirror

Hey guys, sorry for the lack of updates. Been very busy with personal matters, hope you can understand. Expect many more updates after this week is over.

Update: If you have the "Cannot find executable specified by the mod.." error, delete the retarded1 folder then reinstall it. Also make sure your game is updated to 1.09.

Changes/Features 2.5:

Devistator Warship has been tweaked.

The Mutant Marauders are much much more powerful.

Grenaders have been buffed.

PAC's has been buffed.

Engineers can now repair structures and aircraft via its drone.

GDI Battle Base is now stronger.

Rift takes more time now.

Orcas have more HP.

Nod Commando does much more damage. Costs more.

Mammoths have double the missiles.

Nod Soldiers do less damage and have more armour.

Nod Bikes can navigate cliffs.

New Unit - Catalyst Avatar, turns vehicles into more Catalyst Avatar.

Stealth Tanks cost less and build faster.

Silos store three times as much tiberium as before.

Some other stuff I forgot to document.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

C&C Retarded v2.5 (Almost here)

C&C Retarded v2.5 is well underway. This is your chance to get your word in! Post what ever you would like to see changed now, also please include very good reasons why I should use your idea. BTW This update will include an installer such as the one in Justice. I would like to thank KayakerUK for coding it up for me!

Thats all for now, peace.

C&C JUSTICE is out!

CNC-Files Mirror

C&C Justice - It's basically C&C Retarded with out the debates on whether it's balanced. IT'S BALANCED!

* Walls -
Every Faction now can build walls

* Unholy Alliance -
New Faction added to the game that gives you all three MCVs (No AI Support)

* Cranes Building Cranes -
Cranes can construct more cranes

* Cranes Building Defenses -
Cranes can once again build defensive structures

* Operation Center Radar -
Radar is only available via the faction's respective operation center, no longer the con yard.

* The Tiberium Recycling System (Tribute System) -
All Factions will be able to recycle unneeded Tiberium and place it back onto any field for
their allies to harvest. These recycled packages will come in the form of 500, 5000 and
10000 value crystal formations. Each package will cost 10% more than you will get from
re-harvesting them. (A crystal formation that will yield 500 when harvested will cost 550
to place, a 1000 will cost 1100 to place, etc) These recycled crystals formations will be
buildable under the support structures tab.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Epileptic Gaming Season 2 premieres today, Nov. 5, at 4:00 PM PDT (GMT -8)

After a marathon 137 episode first season which concluded at DigitalLife 2007, Marcus “djWHEAT” Graham, Rance “djRome” Costa, Hogan “Kam-RA” Carter and the allegedly World Famous Robert Summa are back with a revamped studio (complete with green screen), more equipment, and even more attitude.

If you don’t know what EG is, today’s the day to find out. It’s an hour-long, extremely edgy, super-critical videogame talk show broadcast live on UStream from Santa Monica, California. The foul-mouthed hosts all the news from the videogame world with their special slant.

Fans of the show can call in via Skype or telephone and chat live using the UStream client.

Tune into EG today live at!

via GGL-Wire

Friday, November 2, 2007

Update for the Week

Sorry about the lack of updates guys, It's been a busy week for me. C&C Ridonkulous should be out some time tomorrow and working on the 1.09 patch. The next retarded will be out some time soon too. In about 2 weeks you will once again see the consistent updates to the mod.

The new Battlecast Primetime is out now. Go watch episode three here.

Thats all for now. Keep posting your ideas and telling your friends about the mod!

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