Sunday, April 27, 2008

Release Candidate 1

Find Out More / Download Link

If you have already gotten it, please contact me somehow (posting a comment here/email/msn) and tell me what you liked and what you didn't. Be sure you play all factions before sighting unbalance.

I hope you all continue to enjoy the mod.

Current Plans for RC2:

  • Make Scrin Smackdown Unit Faster
  • Get Rance Costa a garrison icon

Friday, April 25, 2008

Beta 3 is LIVE!

Get it while its hot!

Mucho updates.

And as always. POST POST POST. The more feedback I get the better this mod gets!

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Hey guys, I've been busy still working on life stuff and such. One of my favorite video game webshows, Epileptic Gaming recently died so I've been working with their community to set up a new show untill EG returns. Come check it out the community at I'll be hosting a hiatus show from my desk.

You can tune in at

Also, I want to hear what music you guys would like to hear in the mod! Post song titles and their authors in the comments of this post!

Also keep playing the beta and posting input:

  • Gunther will be made faster and more powerful against infantry, huge splash damage on infantry.
  • Rocket Militia on nod will now be double in squad sizes.
  • Actual loading screen music.
  • Scrin Conyard/MCV gets 20 repair drones that can go everywhere.
  • Jobber Swarm gets double the jobbers and larger the spawn radius.
  • Scrin's Drone Platform gets drones. FUN FUN
  • More to come...

Monday, April 14, 2008

C&C Retarded Triple Beta 2

This one includes Gunther, have fun!

Also. POST POST POST, I need your input.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

C&C Retarded: Final

Official Change List:

  • Stuff
  • Only 5 Tib silos can be built, and they produce $10 a second.
  • New Music
  • Unholy Alliance becomes more of a faction. It gets its own Conyard and build layout!
  • Nod Buggies get a Garrison Slot which allows fire from inside.
  • Rance Costa EMP snipers require GDI Epic Structure and now only take 20 seconds to build/$2400.
  • The GDI Reinforcement power, Bloodhounds, will be replaced with a new power.
  • Zone Trooper Drop pods will occur faster
  • Shockwave Artillery's EMP now lasts twice as long
  • Orca Strike now uses 15 Orcas
  • All MCVs will start undeployed at the beginning of each match.
  • GDI Zone Troopers can garrison Foxholes built by Riflement
  • Cloaking power gets more range
  • Catalyst Avatar only costs $13370 and takes 20 Seconds to build.
  • Epic Structures now take 1 minute to build and $40000
  • Final Tier defenses and Epic Structures cannot be sold.
  • All tech centers go back to one minute build time.
  • GDI Reinforcement abilities have been buffed, severely.
  • Mine drop takes half as much time.
  • Tiberium Vapor Bomb does MASSIVE damage.
  • Scrin gets Stuff
  • Scrin Ion Storms do much more damage
  • The Scrin Epic Structure will now provide 15 storm riders, and will make new ones if they die.
  • Engineers will be buffed to take more hits and also have a support power to that they can be sent to the battlefield, all factions.
  • Reload time on rocket soldiers will be halfed.
  • Growth Accelerators give $20 a second.
  • Tripods get repair drones.
  • All Engineers get new repair drones which repair buildings hella fast. I'm kinda going for the 15 engineers trying to repair the barracks during a flame tank rush in renegade approach. (I might just give them 15 repair drones)
  • more to come

Friday, April 11, 2008

Epic Structures Fix

Set your Model Detail to High and Shader Detail to medium and everything works!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Laying Down the Beta!

Ok, here is the first of probrably many betas for 3.0.

Post your feelings on this mod, change list is only a few of the ones I have posted on the blog, I'm still working on the rest. This is just to make sure you guys don't get bored and also for you to provide your opinions on how you feel.

Change List Kinda:

Also, send me some kick ass screen shots! Make an account on moddb and post them on the retarded page!

C&C Retarded Final - Smackdown Units

C&C Retarded Final will feature, Epic units. Smackdown Units!

All smackdown units are emune to emp/catalyst avatar beams and can survive a direct liquid tiberium bombing. This unit also counts as a structure so if all your buildings die you will continue to play as long as this unit is real.

Cost of all Smackdown units are 10k and your epic structure. They are construable at the epic structure and automatically destroy it when built.

GDI - Gunther, Lord of the Smackdown
Giant GDI Mammoth MK1 Tank
Can go underwater
Has special super armor which stops catalyst avatar beams and also makes it the only unit that can survive a direct hit from a liquid tiberium bomb
Can phase through tiberium
Fires Huge Rounds which do MASSIVE DAMAGE

Nod - The Dark Fist, Kings of the Smackdown
5 Avatars in one squad which replace any of the ones that die in 3 seconds.
Fully Upgraded and and attack flying.
They fire obelisk beams.

Scrin - Spirit Wormhole, Prior of the Smackdown
Giant flying wormhole which kills anything it touches incl. air.
Very very hard to kill due to it's health.

Still thinking about it give me some time... Comment or give me ideas.

Monday, April 7, 2008

My Crap Ideas

Here is a list of ideas that I have had in the past that I felt later on to not do. Enjoy!

  • Release Retarded 2.9 on April 1st where the only change to the game is changing the intro to an inescapable Rick Roll video.
  • Make blue tiberium easy to destroy, and when destroyed kill all things around it including tiberium next to it creating a chain reaction of explosions. Blue Tiberium would have been worth 5 times as much as it is now.
  • Replace all tiberium in the game to breasts
  • The Liquid Tiberium Truck, a Nod vehicle that would hold liquid tiberium. After Temple Prime is made this vehicle would carry this liquid tiberium into its enemy base causing a liquid tiberium explosion (like the gdi one). Max number of unit would be one and cost would be 13k.
  • Hover Mammoth Tank that flew at orca speeds
  • Seed Avatars - Dropped bomb that exploded into 3 Catalyst Avatars
  • Jobber Hives that created controllable Jobbers.
  • Viral Tiberium - Grew exponentially and damages everything. [When I was testing this it grew so fast and so rapidly it eventually crashed my computer...]
  • Father Ship - Mother Ship with a cannon that when fired at tiberium turned it into tripods, huge range.
  • The I'm a sore looser upgrade, costs lots and when you loose your mcv every thing on the map dies.
  • more to come as I remember/create them
If you don't get it, these ideas will never happen unless I feel like modifying them or popular demand.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

C&C Retarded Final Download Packs

The C&C Retarded Final download will come in two versions, English and German.
In each one there will be a retarded2 folder and also an installinator.bat just like in the past version of the mod.
There will also be a readme.txt file. (German version will have this in german)
Also, there will be a new HowtoInstallandPlay.html Guide including pictures! (German version will have this in german)
Another new file will be the MeetTheNewStuff.html where I introduce and explain the purposes and ideas behind the epic structures and new units/faction.
The pack will also include the history of C&C Retarded and me TheGunrun.

Files in the Pack:
  1. C&C Retarded Final Mod & Installinator.bat
  2. How to Install and Play Tutorial
  3. Meet the New Stuff
  4. The Obligatory Readme File
  5. Retarded History
C&C Retarded Final's release will also be followed simultaneously by a German language counter part! For now German is the only one planned, if you have any other languages that you think I need to cover just post a comment!

Ich hoffe, daß Sie das mod genießen!
Nicht mehr Wille werden Sie in der Dunkelheit gelassen.

P.S. I will be releasing Beta's of C&C Retarded Final randomly on this blog, so keep checking it out for updates. If you download a beta, please make sure that all of the new stuff I added works and also chime in on what I have done or want me to do!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


As of today C&C Retarded is officially dead. Sorry guys! :(

Update: April Fools!

C&C Retarded 3.0 (FINAL) will be coming out in a while. Currently I and swamped with AP homework/projects/papers/lab reports, so yeah... Keep telling your friends about retarded and continue to support my mods.

P.S. Kane's Wrath currently does not support any modding, so yeah Kane's Retarded will be delayed until EA releases a patch that will give it a mod browser. So yeah, keep lobbying EA for the KW SDK/Patch!


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